Introducing the Winter 2024 All-S Retreat

[Retreat Theme]

Sunday, December 29th to Wednesday, January 1st

“Talking about the spiritual part of the program is like talking about the wet part of the ocean.” - Anonymous

Step 12 suggests that we’ll have “a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps,” and in our fellowships we’re free on an individual basis to discover what that means for us.

At the 2024 All-S Summer Retreat we want to help you on that journey. With a combination of leads, meetings, and fellowship activities with addicts across the S-programs and their supportive partners, we want to expand and enhance your spiritual toolkit.

Feel the presence of your Higher Power in this large gathering of fellows. Find moments of connected serenity in the placid, natural setting of La Salle Manor. And expand your outer circle by enjoying the unique creativity of our diverse community.

See you this summer!

Registration is now closed

Please join us for our next retreat, December 28-31, 2024

3 Plan Options!


Plan A!


Friday 6/7 - Monday 6/10

8 Meals
3 Nights
Solo dorm room (space permitting)
All retreat activities

Plan B!


Friday 6/7 - Sunday 6/9

6 Meals
2 Nights
Solo dorm room (space permitting)
Retreat activities Friday through Sunday night

Plan C!


Saturday 6/8 - Monday 6/10

8 Meals
2 Nights
Solo dorm room (space permitting)
Retreat activities Saturday afternoon through Monday

50% Scholarships are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Register right away for the best chances of securing a scholarship!

I can bring my spouse/significant other?

Yes! We welcome the partners of our fellows in recovery.

If attendance allows, we provide a space during free time for supportive partners to connect with one another and share their experience.

Cost for attendance is the same for supportive partners, and rooms are still single-occupancy.

If you have any questions about supportive partners, please email us at

What should I expect?

The All-S Summer retreat takes place on the grounds of beautiful La Salle Manor in Plano, Illinois.

The All-S Retreat welcomes members of sex and love-related 12-step fellowships and supportive partners, but is not associated with any particular fellowship.

Over the course of 4 days, the All-S Retreat Chairs will lead attendees through leads, breakouts, and special activity based on the retreat theme.

Attendees can expect a deep-dive on 12-step recovery paired with connection and fun with fellows.

Attendance includes all meals and activities and a single-occupancy dormitory-style room.

Want to know more about All-S Retreats in general? See more information about retreats and what they offer here: