“A Twelve-Step, Twelve Tradition-oriented gathering of those affected by sexual and/or romantic addictions.”

The Chicago All-S Retreat welcomes members of sex and love 12-step fellowships and their supportive partners, but is not associated with any particular fellowship. Members of different “S-programs” share experience, strength, and hope together to find solutions on their recovery journeys.

A twelve-step retreat for members of S-fellowships

The All-S Retreat is not affiliated with any particular fellowship, but a tool to support the sobriety of members of various fellowships. For more information, or to contact a particular fellowship, please visit the applicable website available in the S-Fellowships Section.

Recovery focus with a retreat atmosphere

The All-S Retreat features leads from members of different fellowships followed by breakout rooms for reflection and shares. Workshops and special interest sessions are also held to provide further tools for recovery.

But not to worry, fellowship and free time are built-in to balance sobriety with serenity.

Held at the historic La Salle Manor in Plano, Illinois

Just an hour outside of Chicago, La Salle Manor has hosted spiritual and educational retreats for decades. Featuring acres of natural wildlife, a log-cabin lodge, single-occupancy dormitories, and more.

“I attended my first All-S Retreat when I was only a few months into the program. The tools I learned and the people I met helped me to build the serenity I experience today.”

— Anonymous, 24 months sober